About IndiaCADworks

Our Overarching Vision
At IndiaCADworks, we firmly believe in maintaining the highest levels of quality and integrity in everything we do- in the quality of the work we deliver to our customers, our commitment to all our stakeholders, and the integrity of the highest ethics we uphold. This unswerving focus on quality is encapsulated in our vision statement:
"To be a values-based global organization, providing customer-centric solutions to the highest standards of excellence, creating value to all stakeholders."

Company Information
A part of the Flatworld Solutions (FWS) network, IndiaCADworks is a privately owned multinational CAD Services team based in India. We provide outsourcing services in CAD design, conversion and allied services to clients around the world. IndiaCADworks has been in the CAD Conversion services space for 11 years, and has worked with more than 400 clients to date. We have over 80 full-time employees who perform a full range of CAD services.

Infrastructure: State of the art, Efficient & Secure
Based in Bangalore, India, IndiaCADworks' main campus boasts 8000 sq. ft. of air-conditioned working space with state of the art computer systems and work stations running fully licensed software. Our 8MBps Tier 1 leased lines and internal networks are secured by multiple levels of physical and software barriers and industry-standard firewalls. Data security is paramount at IndiaCADworks- all our data security measures comply with the latest international standards.

Confidentiality: Imperative
We attach the utmost importance to our customers' confidential data, by signing Non-Disclosure Agreements and Confidentiality Agreements as applicable, to ensure that all client data and information sent to us is secure. All our facilities have controlled access entry points, and information is shared on a need-to-know basis with authorized personnel only.
The Outsourcing Story
Why Outsource to India?
Globalization ushered in many changes in the 1990s. India, which had liberalized and opened up its economy in 1991, has been at the forefront of reaping the benefits of international connectivity provided by the internet and associated communications technologies. Companies based in developed nations were able to leverage this easy access to hundreds of thousands of young, qualified, English-speaking graduates from Indian colleges, without the worries of visa caps or having to expand their facilities.
The three waves of offshoring
The Information Technology (IT) sector took advantage of the enhanced connectivity (as well as the time difference between India and the West) to provide offshore services around the clock to their clients. Early adopters from the developed countries were cautious: they tested the waters by outsourcing only clearly-defined business processes and technology development functions.
Barring the inevitable hiccups, the overwhelming benefits of these efforts contributed to the tremendous growth of the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) or Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) sectors in India. It was now possible to staff armies of associates to man customer service desks, technical support platforms and similar functions, at a fraction of their costs in the West. The so-called "Voice" and "Non-voice" functions of the BPO industry were equally successful.
The third wave of offshoring was for Engineering, Analytical and Creative work. This aimed to harness the much-vaunted analytical and technical prowess of Indian engineers. Enterprising Indian companies with powerful capabilities seized the opportunities to create a new industry: the Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) sector. IndiaCADworks is a big stakeholder in this sector, with a focus on CAD Conversion Services.
How was it done?
Companies' evolved their infrastructure along with each wave: some have elected to establish their own facilities in India, while others have opted to outsource to Indian companies who have established processes and capabilities. Some others have gone the mixed-model way, maintaining a small presence in India to monitor the work they have outsourced to offshoring partners. Back in the West, many companies have also adopted the "on-shore offshore" model: having a critical number of people co-located with their employees on-shore, who can liaise with and guide the work of a large work-force in India.
Does it work?
It works for everyone!
- Just the cost savings are compelling enough: companies that outsource typically experience savings that range from 40% to 60%
- The outsourcing (IT/ ITES/ BPO/ KPO) sectors enjoy the full support of the Government of India. The government has provided the industry with subsidies and created a strong legal framework to support the IP rights of offshoring customers
- Companies' evolved their infrastructure along with each wave: some have elected to establish their own facilities in India, while others have opted to outsource to Indian companies who have established processes and capabilities. Some others have gone the mixed-model way, maintaining a small presence in India to monitor the work they have outsourced to offshoring partners. Back in the West, many companies have also adopted the "on-shore offshore" model: having a critical number of people co-located with their employees on-shore, who can liaise with and guide the work of a large work-force in India.
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- info@indiacadworks.com
- 855-259-3709